$1,800.00 USD

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Round TWO Private Mental Game COACHING

You are now ready to deepen your learning about the Mental Game and how to control it. With this level you will get:

  • Six 60 minute in person or video conference coaching sessions,
  • A free download of the book Mind Games of Rodeo,
  • Level Two Online Mental Game Training System of 106 short video lessons to support the coaching with access for 365 days,
  • A monthly webinar style mini-lesson and live Q&A session with Lyman and Gwen

Level TWO is an additional 6 sessions for the continuation and deepening of the learning and application from the first 6 sessions of Level ONE Coaching. 

We'll revisit many concepts and ideas from Level One Coaching in more depth of understanding. 

Completion of Level One Coaching Required before Level Two can be started.