Mental Game Coaching Solutions
Before you can win you've got to Enter UP! This is that place where you know you need to do something about your mental game, but you are not sure what exactly. We've got you covered. This is the first step toward that win and many more to follow.
First things first. You have to figure out what is going on that is blocking your mental game.
We all know WHAT we need to do - get mentally tough.
We all know WHY we need to do it - to get to the winner's circle.
We all know WHERE we need to do it - in the performance arena.
We all know WHO needs to do it - Ourself.
Not many of us know HOW to do it!
That is where Tenney Training comes in.
Like many ropers, we have spent years studying the techniques and the physical details of improving team roping.
What we have done DIFFERENTLY than most ropers is that we have invested many years and significant amounts of money studying the MENTAL part of the mental game, along with technique. There is science behind it! There is an actual game plan and process. It is a mental system. It is the same for everyone and yet still very unique to you. (Hint: Your physical side is just an outward picture of your inward mental game.) Your mental game controls it all!
The mental game is simple, but you are going to need a game plan. Over the years, you have been programmed into believing certain things about your roping that may very well be holding you back. You need to be reprogrammed into SUCCESS thinking. Naturally, we head right straight for negativity in our thinking process. Sometimes we call it stinking thinking. If you have stinking thinking you will surely have stinking results.
The HOW part of the mental game is where people get tripped up. When trying to figure it out, the narrative is usually something like, "Just be positive." "Be confident." "Try harder." "Practice makes perfect."
Those all sound great, but again, HOW?
Like I said, it is a scientific process that we have studied for years and now we want to coach you through the same process. (Secret: It will not only improve your team roping, but will also help in every other area of your life!)
If you are serious about team roping and are ready to go all in and invest in yourself, then individualized private mental game coaching is what you are looking for. It's your choice of one, six or twelve Mental Game coaching sessions of 60 minutes each via video conferencing or in person.